General User's Guide

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7.2.2 Name, security, volume fields

Table 7-2 lists all fields displayed when a user chooses to either modify or display a medium header and then chooses Name, security, volume fields from the subsequent menu:

Table 7-2 Name, security, volume fields
Field Description
External ID The external ID or serial number is the alphanumeric character string marked on the outside of the medium. It is used by the OPERATOR to identify the medium in the media library.
Internal ID This is the name magnetically encoded on the medium and is used by the computer to verify that the correct medium has been mounted by the OPERATOR. Usually, this is the same as the external ID.
Owner This is the User Identification Code of the owner.
Protection This specifies protections of the medium. The standard VMS protection schemes are applicable.
Pool This field indicates which of the pool assignments for the medium: available, allocated or released. MANAGER privilege required for modification.
Device This field specifies the type of device suitable for the medium. This is either a tape or a drive and a descriptive name indicates the type of device.
Volume list The name of the volume list which the medium belongs to.
Shadow tape The external ID of a duplicate tape.

7.2.3 Usage/Offsite dates, Checks, Counts

Table 7-3 lists all fields displayed when a user chooses to either modify or display a medium header and then chooses Usage/Offsite dates, Checks, Counts from the subsequent menu:

Table 7-3 Usage/Offsite dates, Checks, Counts
Field Description
First used This is a date field indicating the first time that the medium owner obtained access to this medium. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Last used This is the last time the medium was used. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Expires on This is when the medium will be placed into the released pool.
Directory on This is the last time an update was made of the on-line directory information. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Added on This is the date the medium was added to the library. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Certified This is the date the tape was last certified or cleaned. This is a static field that may not be modified by a general user. OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Send offsite A text field specifying the date an offsite medium is sent to a site. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Duration offsite A text field specifying the length of time an offsite medium will remain at a site. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Return offsite A text field specifying the date an offsite medium will return from an offsite location. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Offsite location A text field specifying the location of an offsite medium. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Last This indicates the last time an automatic read check took place.
Next This displays the next time an automatic read check will take place.
Incremental This is the time increment to use in scheduling the next automatic read check.
Access count The access count is the number of times the medium has been mounted in MEDIA. It is incremented each time the MOUNT command is issued. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Error count This displays the error count associated with each medium. This can be used in a type 1 display.

7.2.4 Directory, Label, Mount fields (Tape)

The following table lists the fields displayed when the user chooses to modify or display a medium header for a tape and selects Directory, Label, Mount fields from the menu:

Data Description
DIRECTORY file control This controls how the directory files are controlled. The file type can be one of the following:

BJL: Contents information file, in BACKUP journal format.
SDR: Contents information file, in expanded sequential format (MEDIA's internal format).
TDR: Contents information file, in a sequential text file format.
UPDATE Directory Control This indicates how the directory update process is done. The possible options are:

None: No directory update.
ANSI: For ANSI standard media.
DOS: For DOS labeled media.
IBM_standard: For EBCDIC standard labeled media.
Unlabelled: For unlabelled media.
LABEL control This controls the type of label processing and label checking to be done. Possible labels are one of:

No check: The standard VMS tape label.
ANSI: For ANSI standard media.
DOS: For DOS-11 labeled media.
IBM_standard: For EBCDIC standard labeled media.
MOUNT control This controls how a medium is mounted. The selection can include one of:

ANSI: Standard VMS mount.
Foreign: Mount as foreign media.
Read Only: Mount as read only media.
Data compaction Indicates that data compaction is present on tape.
Update COM file This is the name of the .COM file that is used to perform the update
Block size This is the size of a block on the chosen medium.
Record size This is the size of a record on the chosen medium.

7.2.5 Directory, Label, Mount fields (Disk)

The following table lists the fields displayed when the user chooses to modify or display a medium header for a disk and selects Directory, Label, Mount fields from the menu:

Data Description
DIRECTORY file control This controls how the directory update process is done. The file type can be one of the following:

BJL: Contents information file, in BACKUP journal format.
SDR: Contents information file, in expanded sequential format (MEDIA's internal format).
TDR: Contents information file, in a sequential text file format.
UPDATE Directory Control This indicates how the directory update process is done. The possible options are:

None: No directory update.
FILES11: RMS standard disk directory.
Update COM file This is the name of the .COM file that is used to perform the update
LABEL control This controls the type of label processing and label checking to be done. Possible labels are one of:

No check: For no label checking.
FILES11: RMS standard disk directory.
MOUNT control

No check: For no label checking.
FILES11: RMS standard disk directory.
ACCESS control This controls user access.

Read Only: For a media to have read only access.
INITIALIZATION Controls This controls disk initialization.

Cluster Size: The cluster qualifier will display the minimum allocation unit of a disk(in blocks).
Maximum Files: Specifies the maximum number of files that a volume can contain.
VOLUME control This designates mount and usage of the disk

Shared: Indicates the disk may be accessed simultaneously by more than one user.
Exclusive: Indicates the disk is mounted for exclusive use by one owner.

7.2.6 Operational Status fields

Table 7-4 lists the fields displayed when the user chooses to modify or display a medium header and selects Operational Status fields from the menu. The current status of the medium is displayed:

Table 7-4 Operational Status fields
Field Description
For the fields listed below, a X is the Operational Status Field indicates that the medium is:
Disk for a random access device.
Tape for a sequential access device.
User-added user-added
Offsite offsite.
New new.
Blank is blank (has never been initialized.)
Attached attached to a volume set.
Default/Template default or template record/
Scratch scratch medium.
Initialize to be initialized before the next use.
Label is TBD labeled but the label still needs to be determined.
Modify Label to be re-labeled, the internal label should be changed to match the external label as soon as possible.
VAULT attached to the vault database.
ARCHIVE attached to the archive database.
BCKMGR attached to a BCKMGR job.

7.2.7 ADD or CATALOG media

Table 7-5 lists all fields displayed when a user chooses ADD media or CATALOG media into pool, enters a new external ID and chooses a media type. Depending on the configuration of the software this menu option may or may not be available to a user.

Table 7-5 ADD or CATALOG media
Field Description
Alias This is the descriptive name which a user assigns to the medium and uses to refer to it. The alias may be any alphanumeric combination of 1 to 21 characters.
User This is the user name assigned to the medium. Each entry in the allocated pool is owned by one user. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Comments This is a text field into which any text data can be inserted.
Location This is the rack or bin in which the tape will be stored. This is sent along with the external ID to the OPERATOR whenever the medium needs to be mounted on a drive. MANAGER or OPERATOR privilege required for modification.
Pool Use this field to designate the pool assignment for the medium: available, allocated or released. This will be a read only field for users. MANAGER privilege required for modification.
Type Specifies the base TYPE category for a medium. All TYPES are defined in the parameter file. Only predefined values can be entered here.
Density The recording density of the tape. The default will cause the system to automatically toggle to the correct density setting during a mount or update operation, if the density is not known.
Capacity This is either the total length of a reel in feet or total disk space in megabytes.

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