cDSCHEDULE Automated Job Submission System Guide and Reference �ManualD

Automated Job Submission System
Guide and Reference Manual

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4.11 Monitoring activity

CTo monitor a jobs progress through the system use a command of the following format.


 ($ SCHEDULE MONITOR/QUEUE [QUEUE_LETTER]    $ SCHEDULE MONITOR/QUEUE    >K  Submitted   650. START (1587)    Execution queue entry 789 >L  Started     650. START (1587)    Execution queue entry 789 IM  Completed   650. START (1587)    Completed on December 16, 2002,14:33 JB  Wtfr start  287. UPDATE_A (1587) Holding until December 17, 2002,15:00 $B  Wtfr start  669. UPDATE_B (1587) $E  Wtfr prereq 287. UPDATE_A (1587) AH  Wtfr file   287. UPDATE_A (1587) Waiting for file INDATA1.DAT EI  Wtfr disk   287. UPDATE_A (1587) Waiting for 1000 blocks on DUA1: $E  Wtfr prereq 669. UPDATE_B (1587) AH  Wtfr file   669. UPDATE_B (1587) Waiting for file INDATA2.DAT  

CAll the events displayed by the monitor represent scheduling queue Echanges. Each one of these events is also recorded in the historical Gdata file. To replay any series of events use the TYPE/HISTORY command.V

4.12 Other Schedule commands

FThis section describes some other SCHEDULE commands that you 8may find useful. They are listed in the following table. " &          
Command Description
 SUBMIT/JOB K submits the job for immediate execution regardless of any parameters
 DELETE/JOB K permanently removes a schedule definition from the on- line database

4.12.1 The SUBMIT/JOB command

?The SUBMIT command causes a job to be considered for immediate Csubmission. There are three qualifiers, in addition to the general Gqualifiers, that can be applied to the command. They are listed in the following table. " &              
Command Description
 /PREREQUISITE K The job will be submitted as soon as all prerequisites are met. The - default is to not check prerequisites.
 /INITIATES O After the job completes all initiate jobs are activated. The default is not to trigger initiates.
 /AFTER=date K The job is submitted for execution after the indicated date and time

EFor example, you want to submit UPDATE_LEDGER1 to run as soon as all <the prerequisite jobs were completed without waiting for thenormal start time, just enter:



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