cDSCHEDULE Automated Job Submission System Guide and Reference �ManualD

Automated Job Submission System
Guide and Reference Manual

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HFor example, to create a new top level directory use the following type of command.



>Access to the root directory is controlled by two parameters. 8

ATo create a sublevel directory use the following type of command.



ATo create a new calendar entry use the following type of command.



<To create a new job entry use the following type of command.



FThe qualifier /JOB is optional. This is the default section qualifier and can be left off.9

2.3.4 Default job entry

EWhenever a new job is created a set of default values is loaded into Eall the fields of the job definition. These fields are picked up fromEa special job entry that is named DEFAULT. This DEFAULT job entry is located by a search process.

BIf you are creating a job in a subdirectory an attempt is made to Glocate a default entry in that subdirectory. If that fails, an attempt His made to locate it in the top directory. If that fails, an attempt is Dmade to find one in the [DEFAULT] directory. If that fails a set of %hard coded default values are loaded.,

2.3.5 Calendars

EA calendar is a chart showing the days of each month and possibly on Cwhat days a job is allowed or is not allowed to run. Any number of Dseparate calendars can be set up. They can be set up system wide or Fspecific to a user. Holidays are defined in a separate calendar which ;can optionally be superimposed on any other calendar. There;are two distinct types of calendars, standard or work days.

6The standard calendar is the normal wall calendar that8everyone is used to. A work day calendar is one in whichFonly the work days of the month are counted. For example December has G31 days on a standard calendar but only 22 days on a work day calendar.C Viewing the days of the month

7To view the two calendars that are automatically set up7when you install the system use the following commands:


 +$ SCHEDULE TYPE/CALENDAR [DEFAULT]STANDARD      1998  December        (default)  7        Sun.   Mon.   Tue.   Wed.   Thu.   Fri.   Sat. 5         1      2      3      4      5      6      7 5         8      9     10     11     12     13     14 5        15     16     17     18     19     20     21 5        22     23     24     25     26     27     28         29     30     31   +$ SCHEDULE TYPE/CALENDAR [DEFAULT]WORKDAYS     1998  December        (default)  7        Sun.   Mon.   Tue.   Wed.   Thu.   Fri.   Sat. 8        .. ..   1      2      3      4      5     .. .. 8        .. ..   6      7      8      9     10     .. .. 8        .. ..  11     12     13     14     15     .. .. 8        .. ..  16     17     18     19     20     .. ..         .. ..  21     22  



8 The two parameters are N ROOT_DIR_OWNER and and ROOT_DIR_PROTECTION. The default protection on N installation is to allow everyone to create top level directories. To 1 change this edit the parameter file.

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