Release and
Installation Notes

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Chapter 1

1.1 System requirements

The installation procedure has the following characteristics and requirements:

The procedure should be performed at a time when there are a minimum number of active users. See the GUIDE TO VAX/VMS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION for all the conditions which must be met before starting the installation procedure.

1.2 Global Sections and Pages

The installation of MEDIA requires a certain number of global sections and global pages. To determine what is currently available on your system, first invoke the INSTALL utility:


At the end the total number of used sections, available sections and available pages is displayed. To determine the number of available sections, invoke the SYSGEN utility:


From these four figures you can determine if there is enough space to complete the installation process. If not, refer to the GUIDE TO VAX/VMS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT on how to change these values.

1.3 Installation procedure

This procedure uses the standard VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure for the installation. If you already have an earlier version on your system then leave it running. MCL must be installed before MEDIA if not already installed on your system.

  1. Log in to the system account.
  2. Invoke VMSINSTAL, correct the device and directory name to that on your system.


    At this point, follow the instructions generated by the procedure. A complete description of the dialog follows in the next section.

  3. After the installation completes, be sure to add the following command to the system start up file.


    The various DCL foreign command symbols that need to be define at login to use these programs can be defined by adding the following command to the system wide login file.


1.4 Installation procedure dialog

It is a good idea to install the software from a hardcopy terminal. This gives you a record of the procedure, and a means of checking that the correct responses were entered. Below is a detailed description of the installation dialog.

  1. Physically mount the distribution media containing the software.
  2. Enter the following command from a privilege system account. This will invoke the VMS installation procedure.


  3. The install procedure then responds with information about the system and if there are basic system conditions that will cause problems.

    VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 
    * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES] ? 

    If you are satisfied with your backup press RETURN. Otherwise enter NO to exit the installation procedure.

  4. The actual installation will now begin. You are asked:

    Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0: 
    * Are you ready ? 

    When the first volume is ready and on the drive just press RETURN. Once mounted the installation procedure checks to see what is actually on the mounted volume.

    %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MEDIA mounted on MTA0: 
    The following products will be processed: 
     MEDIA V5.0 
    Beginning installation of MEDIA V5.0 at 11:24 
    %VMSINTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... 

    Up to this point the procedure has been the same as for any software product.

  5. The next question asks if you have registered and loaded the needed PAK to make MCL operational.

            Product:        MEDIA 
            Producer:       ISE 
            Version:        V5.0 
            Release date:   1-FEB-2010 
    * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? 

    If you have not loaded this PAK yet, answer NO and the procedure will terminate at this point.

  6. The next question only appears if you are installing MEDIA for the first time.

    * Add startup file to SYSMAN [YES] ? 

    A YES answer will instruct the procedure to update the SYSMAN startup database to automatically execute the MEDIA startup command procedure during boot. A NO answer requires that you manually edit your system boot startup file 1 and add the following line.


  7. Next you are asked whether files that are being replaced by this installation are to be purged. Answer YES if you are not interested in keeping the old files. If you are upgrading from a V3.3 system, all the V3.3 files are deleted in all cases.

    * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 

  8. If this is the first time your are installing this system on your VAX then you will be asked where to place the MEDIA base directory.

    * MEDIA Library Directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MEDIA]] ? 

    This directory contains all the MEDIA data files and the logical name MEDIA_LIBRARY: is setup to point to it. It can be placed on any disk.

  9. The next question allows you to install or not to install the help files into the system help library.

    * Add help to the system library [YES] ? <CR>

    A YES answer will cause all the help modules to added to the SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB system help file. In all cases a copy of all the help modules is placed in the MEDIA_LIBRARY: directory as ".HLP" files. If you are doing the installation on a system with other active users and there is concurrent use of the help library, the installation sequence may be unable to obtain exclusive control of the library and thus fail (a NO answer prevents this problem).
    If you choose to leave them in the MEDIA_LIBRARY, then at some later time they can be manually added to the library using the following type of command.


  10. The next two questions are asked to determine which executable images to load.

    * Do you want to load VAX OpenVMS images [YES]?  YES 
    * Do you want to load AXP OpenVMS images [NO]? YES 

    Answer yes to at least one of these two questions. Both can be loaded at once.

  11. With this distribution is include a Bookread, Postscript and Plain Text formatted versions of the documentation set. You can load them at this time.

    * Do you want to load BOOKREADER Documentation set [NO]? YES 
    * Do you want to load POSTSCRIPT Documentation set [NO]? YES 
    * Do you want to load PLAIN TEXT Documentation set [NO]? YES 

    The documentation sets use the following amount of disk space.

    BookReader  36,000 blocks 
    PostScript  83,000 blocks 
    Plain Text   7,000 blocks 

  12. At this point a message will be displayed indicating what type of installation is being performed. At a site where this is the first installation, the following message appears:

    %MEDIA-I-INITIAL, Initial installation in progress 

    At a site where MEDIA/SCHEDULE/VAULT have already been installed and this is just an upgrade, the following message appears.

    %MEDIA-I-NEWVER, Installation of new version in progress 

    At a site where the version already on the system is so old as to require a database upgrade, the following message is displayed.

    %MEDIA-I-UPGRADE, Upgrade installation in progress 

  13. After this point in the installation sequence all the questions have been asked. It takes the system another 2 to 15 minutes (depending on your system type) to complete the installation after this point. At the end of these notes are some sample console printouts of a complete installation.


1 The system boot startup file is SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

1.5 New installation sample dialog

 VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 
It is 19-JAN-2010 at 10:03. 
Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 
* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? <CR>
Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0: <CR>
The following products will be processed: 
  MEDIA V5.3 
Beginning installation of MEDIA V5.3 at 10:03 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to 
                         M E D I A  V5.3.24 
          COPYRIGHT (c) 1992...2010 by ISE, Inc. 
                         All rights reserved 
 This software is furnished under a license and may be used and  copied 
 only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  license and with the 
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other 
 copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any 
 other person.  No title to and ownership of  the  software  is  hereby 
 Product:       MEDIA 
 Producer:      ISE 
 Version:       V5.3.24 
 Release Date:  1-FEB-2010 
* Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES 
* Add startup file to SYSMAN [YES]: <CR>
* Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? <CR>
* MEDIA Library Directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MEDIA]]: <CR>
* Add help files to the system library [YES]? <CR>
* Do you want to load VAX OpenVMS images [YES]? YES 
* Do you want to load AXP OpenVMS images [NO]? YES 
* Do you want to load the BOOKREADER Documentation set [NO]? <CR>
* Do you want to load the POSTSRIPT Documentation set [NO]? <CR>
* Do you want to load the PLAIN TEXT Documentation set [NO]? <CR>
%MEDIA-I-NEWVER, Initial installation in progress 
* Once the installation is done use the Semi-automatic 
  configurator to set up the parameter files.  To do so 
  follow the below steps: 
    o  Start up MCL 
    o  Select MEDIA LIBRARIAN 
    o  Select FULL FUNCTION MENUS (if needed) 
    o  Select SEMI AUTOMATIC 
  For more information please refer to the Operations 
  Guide - Chapter on MEDIA Configuration. 
%MEDIA-I-PTUPDATE,  Updating MCL language tables... 
%MEDIA-I-UPDDONE,   ...done. 
%VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target 
Identification of created process is 20400871 
%MEDIA-I-CONMCL, Connection application to MCLSYSCLB.CLB. 
%MEDIA-I-UPDBGR, Adding standard BCKMGR job definitions 
Installation of MEDIA V5.3 completed at 10:14 
VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:14 

1.6 Existing installation sample dialog

 VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 
It is 12-JAN-2010 at 10:03. 
Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 
* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? <CR>
Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0: <CR>
The following products will be processed: 
  MEDIA V5.3 
Beginning installation of MEDIA V5.3 at 10:03 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to 
                         M E D I A   V5.3.24 
          COPYRIGHT (c) 1992...2010 by ISE, Inc. 
                         All rights reserved 
 This software is furnished under a license and may be used and  copied 
 only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  license and with the 
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other 
 copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any 
 other person.  No title to and ownership of  the  software  is  hereby 
 Product:       MEDIA 
 Producer:      ISE 
 Version:       V5.3.24 
 Release Date:  1-FEB-2010 
* Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES 
* Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? <CR>
* Add help files to the system library [YES]? <CR>
* Do you want to load VAX OpenVMS images [YES]? YES 
* Do you want to load AXP OpenVMS images [NO]? YES 
* Do you want to load the BOOKREADER Documentation set [NO]? <CR>
* Do you want to load the POSTSCRIPT Documentation set [NO]? <CR>
* Do you want to load the PLAIN TEXT Documentation set [NO]? <CR>
%MEDIA-I-NEWVER, Installation of a new version in progress 
%MEDIA-I-PTUPDATE,  Updating MCL language tables... 
%MEDIA-I-UPDDONE,   ...done. 
%VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target 
%MEDIA-I-CONMCL, Connecting application to MCLSYSCLB.CLB. 
Identification of created process is 20400871 
%MEDIA-I-UPDBGR, Updating BCKMGR job definitions 
Installation of MEDIA V5.3 completed at 10:14 
VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:14 

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