Automated Job Submission System
Guide and Reference Manual

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Submit a job for execution.

The subjob command initiates a job. Unless otherwise indicated it will cause the job to be submitted for immediate execution, with none of the initiates or prerequisites being considered.

General Format

subjob [-options] job_name


submit -job [-options] job_name

option summary

general options:

-hostname = target_node
submit conditions:

-noinitiates (default)
-noprerequisites (default)
-after = date/time

restart step controls:

-step = number

job set controls:

-set_tag = "string"
-set_parameter = "string"
-set_id = number



  Schedule> subjob /jkrieg/backup_job 
 Queued /jkrieg/backup_job for immediate submission 



The AFTER option can be used to cause the job to be submitted and held until the specified time.



CONFIRM requests that the user be prompted prior to any operation to verify that the selected entry is the correct one.


The hostname option specifies what hostname (either local or remote) you want the operation performed on. -hostname may be substituted for -node.



The LOG qualifier causes each completed operation to issue a note to the user.



This indicates whether or not on completion of the job the initiate list should be carried out.



This indicates whether or not the submitted job is to wait for all prerequisite jobs and resource requirements to met before begin submitted for execution.


The SET_ID option indicates to what set the job belongs. If a number is not provided then the system automatically assigns the next available set number.


The SET_PARAMETER option specifies information to be passed from one job to another inside a set of jobs.


The SET_TAG option also specifies information to be passed from one job to another inside a set of jobs.


The STEP option indicates at which step to start the job.

Chapter 8
DIRECTORY data operations

Directories in the SCHEDULE System can be manipulated using the commands listed below.

Command Description
mkdir Create a new directory
rmdir Delete a directory
lsdir List directories names
chdir Modify a directory entry
mvdir Rename a directory entry

All jobs and other entries that are defined in the SCHEDULE System are recorded in a directory. Each directory defines what access rights are needed before a user is granted access to data in it. Only two levels of directories are permitted. A top level and a single sublevel.


Modify a directory.

The chdir command will change the owner UIC code or the protection level of a given directory.

General Format

chdir -option=value directory_name


modify -directory -option=value directory_name

option summary

General qualifiers:
-node = target_node



 Schedule> chdir /mmidani/ -protection=g+rwx 




CONFIRM requests that the user be prompted prior to any operation to verify that the selected entry is the correct one.


The hostname option specifies what hostname (either local or remote) you want the operation performed on. -hostname may be substituted for -node.



The LOG qualifier causes each completed operation to issue a note to the user.


The OWNER option specifies the owner user id and group id code for the directory.



The PROTECTION qualifier modifies the read, write and execute permissions of specified directories.
who specifies whether permissions are being defined for user(u), group(g) or all others(o).
permission specifies the permissions being defined. Read permission(r) allows reading. Write permission (w) allows the ability to write out a new version. Execute permission(x) allows execution of jobs and calendars, search of directories.
You can determine how extensive an access other users will have by setting the level of protection to any of the following accesses:
Access Definition
r read
w write
x edit
Protection Definition
u user
g group
o others


Display on-line information.

The lsdir command will display all or just selected portions of the directory database.

General Format

lsdir [-options] directory_name


directory -directory [-options] directory_name

option summary

General qualifiers:
-node = target_node
-symbol [= prefix_string,format](Prefix default = SG)(Format default = "$ %s = \" " %s \" "")



 Schedule> lsdir /asante/* -protection 
 directory entries in /asante/ 
 /asante/dev/     drwxrw----  
 /asante/prd/     drwxrw---- 
 /asante/rmt/     drwxrw---- 
 total of 3 directories 


 Schedule> lsdir -full smith 
     owner                     = smith,system 
     protection                = drwxrw---- 


 Schedule> lsdir 
  (complete directory tree) 



Workgroup Jobs Only. The CHECK option displays the designated object's status on the nodes in the current workgroup. Any differences are displayed as:

node_name: different 

Adding the -log qualifier displays the specific differences between the object(s) on specific nodes. Ex:

    CWG: okay 
    DWG: different 
                Prv_Owner (215)= /0xc000000e/ 
                    Owner (015)= /0xc000000d/ 
    AWG: okay 


The COLUMNS option specifies how many columns to use when listing just the item name. The default is four columns.


The hostname option specifies what hostname (either local or remote) you want the operation performed on. -hostname may be substituted for -node.


The FULL options displays all known information about a directory entry.


The NOHEADING removes the heading information from the directory listing.


The NOTRAILING removes the trailing information from the directory listing.


The OUTPUT option sends all output to a text file. Output can be printed or displayed as needed.


The OWNER option displays the owner UIC code for the job.


The PROTECTION qualifier displays the read, write and execute permissions of specified directories.
who specifies whether permissions are being defined for user(u), group(g) or all others(o).
permission specifies the permissions being defined. Read permission(r) allows reading. Write permission (w) allows the ability to write out a new version. Execute permission(x) allows execution of jobs and calendars, search of directories.


The SECURITY option is the same as specifying the -acl, -owner and -protection option s.

-env[=prefix_string] or [=(prefix_string,format)]

The environmental variable option requests that all directory information be output to a file containing a list of enviroment variables. Every field in the control record is listed in the file as an environment variable. The environment variable name is constructed by prefixing the field name with the provide string. If none is provided a default value of SG is used.

The format defines the way that environmental variables are output. The default output specification is: "$export %s=\" %s\" "" (ksh), "$setenv %s=\" %s\" "" (csh) which produces the following format style.


Alternate output styles may be created by changing the format field.


Create a new directory.

The mkdir command will add a new directory to the database.

General Format

mkdir [-options] directory_name


create -directory [-options] directory_name

option summary

general qualifiers:
-acl = (ace,ace...)
-owner = uic
-protection = (ugo+/-rwx)
-node = target_node



 Schedule> mkdir /jjones/rno/ -protection=g+rwx -log 
 created /jjones/rno/ 




CONFIRM requests that the user be prompted prior to any operation to verify that the selected job is the correct one.


The hostname option specifies what hostname (either local or remote) you want the operation performed on. -hostname may be substituted for -node.



The LOG option causes each completed operation to issue a note to the user.


The OWNER option specifies the owner user id and group id code for the directory.



The PROTECTION qualifier modifies the read, write and execute permissions of specified directories.
who specifies whether permissions are being defined for user(u), group(g) or all others(o).
permission specifies the permissions being defined. Read permission(r) allows reading. Write permission (w) allows the ability to write out a new version. Execute permission(x) allows execution of jobs and calendars, search of directories.
You can determine how extensive an access other users will have by setting the level of protection to any of the following accesses:
Access Definition
r read
w write
x edit
Protection Definition
u user
g group
o others


Rename a directory.

The mvdir command will change the name of a directory.

General Format

mvdir [-options] old_directory_name new_directory_name


rename -directory [-options] old_directory_name new_directory_name

option summary

general qualifiers:

-node = target_node



 Schedule> mvdir /cbrown/ /kanderson/ -confirm 
 rename /cbrown/ to /kanderson/  [y/n] (y): yes 




CONFIRM requests that the user be prompted prior to any operation to verify that the selected entry is the correct one.


The hostname option specifies what hostname (either local or remote) you want the operation performed on. -hostname may be substituted for -node.



The LOG qualifier causes each completed operation to issue a note to the user.


Delete a directory.

The rmdir command permanently removes a directory from the on-line database.

General Format

rmdir [-options] directory_name


delete -directory [-options] directory_name

option summary

general qualifiers:

-node = target_node



 Schedule> rmdir -directory /tsmith/ref/ -confirm 
 delete /tsmith/ref/ [y/n] (y): yes 




CONFIRM requests that the user be prompted prior to any operation to verify that the selected entry is the correct one.


The hostname option specifies what hostname (either local or remote) you want the operation performed on. -hostname may be substituted for -node.



The LOG qualifier causes each completed operation to issue a note to the user.

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